Jan 4th is the 6th Annual World Hypnotism Day, and this year I’m celebrating by hosting a FREE event in the Atlanta area… on January 3rd. Yeah, I know, I know… but I figured more people would be able to make it on a Sunday than a Monday, and what better way to start off 2010 than with a healthy dose of relaxation and positive focus.
So, whatever your desire – whether to stop smoking, lose some weight, make more money, reduce stress or just get happier – RSVP at the link below and I’ll see you there!
What: FREE Hypnosis Seminar
Where: Hyatt Regency on Windy Hill Rd
When: Jan. 3rd, 2010
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
RSVP required for attendance! Register here: http://www.meetup.com/purehypnosis/calendar/12091514/?success=rsvpYesOrgCreateGroup