Just got this message from a client I saw for three sessions a short while ago. Each session had a different focus, and it appears that she responded extraordinarily well all three times. Regarding the wine issue, she had been drinking a few glasses of wine each day for a long period of time and wanted to stop for health and other reasons. The other issues are more self-explanatory. Take a look…
“Hi Sean! I have a lot to tell you. I apologize for taking so long; I wanted to have lots of good news to share!
After we had our third session I felt like a new person. We tackled three problems in my life: lack of control with wine, overeating, and fear of flying.
I’m absolutely THRILLED to tell you that I feel completely in control of my life now. I just passed the final test with flying colors. My husband had a business trip to Encinada, Mexico, for a Wine Festival, and I was lucky enough to be able to go along. Three days of wine tasting, eating and opera. (Does it get any better?)
I thoroughly enjoyed the wine tasting (after going over a month without having anything, and without struggle). I felt completely in control and even refused some when I didn’t feel like it.
To date I’ve lost over eleven pounds. And still going strong!
As for the fear of flying, on the way out my husband noted that my hands were not “gross and clammy” like usual (high praise). On the return trip I actually slept through the take off!
I am truly grateful for the help you’ve given me; please continue to help others with your gift.
Take care!”
Suwanee, GA