Become a Certified Hypnotherapist and Start Changing Lives!
Be Your Own Boss, Set Your Own Schedule, and Make Upwards of $250 Per Hour From Day One.
Enroll in the Pure Hypnosis Certification Program Today.
✔ YES! I’m willing and able to invest the time and money necessary to become a certified hypnotherapist under Atlanta’s best hypnotherapist, Sean Wheeler.
✔ YES! I’m excited to help people quit smoking, lose weight, overcome anxiety and depression, solve relationship issues, and more… and get paid $250+/hour to do it.
✔ YES! I’m ready to start my own business, be my own boss, set my own schedule, and create the life I’ve always wanted.
Schedule a no-obligation consultation with Sean Wheeler so you can ask questions about the Pure Hypnosis Certification Program and find out if it’s perfect for you. Tap the button below to begin.
If you’ve been dreaming of starting your own business and you enjoy working with people…
I’m going to tell you about an exciting opportunity to…
Start your own business as a certified hypnotherapist in as little as four months.
👍Even if you’ve never hypnotized anyone before
👍Even if you’ve never gone to school for therapy
👍Even if you’ve never owned or operated your own business
You can be your own boss and make a great living while changing people’s lives.
Just like Danielle Kortava, who has already earned back every penny she invested in the training…
And then some!…
“Quote from Arno”
“I booked my first paying client a week after getting certified by Sean. I started off charging $300/hour and raised it to $350/hour after a few weeks. And I’ve built my own business, from scratch, in 6 months.”
And just like Arno Ma, who’s currently earning more per session at the age of 30…
With less than a year of experience…
Than I was making at the age of 44 with 16 years of experience.
Dani and Arno were both certified by me after a rigorous 80-hour training and three months of supervised work…
…and a whole lot more.
And I didn’t just train them on hypnotherapy.
I also showed them how to turn their new skills into a real business and market themselves to get paying clients in the door.
And if you keep reading, that’s exactly what I’m going to offer you.
But before I continue, I want to make sure I’m not wasting your time.
The opportunity I’m about to tell you about requires a significant investment of time and money.
So if you’re not in a position to invest time or money to develop the necessary skills to start this business, please stop reading and close this tab.
However, if you’re ready to do what it takes…
And you’re excited about the possibilities of starting your own hypnotherapy practice…
Keep reading and pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you.
- I’ve been a certified hypnotherapist for nearly 20 years.
- In that time, I’ve completed over 15,000 hours of hypnotherapy and helped over 3,500 clients.
- I’m also Atlanta’s best-rated hypnotherapist with 131 five-star reviews and counting…
And I’ve been featured on:
…And I guess you could call it one of those “good problems.”
- In fact, the demand for my services has gotten so high that even raising my rates to $1,000/hour isn’t able to clear my waiting list.
- I had to come up with a better, more permanent fix.
- Hiring more hypnotherapists to help wouldn’t work.
- One, qualified hypnotherapists are hard to come by.
- And two, I pride myself on our success rate.
- Even if I could find qualified hypnotherapists, there’d be no guarantee they could get our clients results at the level I expect.
- So I ended up deciding to train apprentices to help me out.
- I’d show them how to help people my way – the proven way.
- But that creates another problem.
- Good hypnotherapists… the kind that get results… aren’t content being “employees” for long.
- They’re eventually going to want to go out on their own.
- So I thought to myself…
“Why don’t I just train them how to be hypnotherapists, certify them AND show them exactly how to turn their new skills into a real business.”
- I’d be confident they knew what they’re doing, and they could help people for real
- I could refer clients to them when I’m too busy or they can’t afford my rates
- My new “apprentices” wouldn’t have to rely on me – they’d have everything they needed to do this full-time… on their own if they wanted
The Pure Hypnosis Certification Program was born.
- I know you’re curious about earning potential so I’ll just come right out and tell you.
- Last year, my business did $750,000 in revenue with just me, my executive assistant, and a couple of apprentice hypnotherapists.
- My first year, I made $35,000.
- This was nearly 20 years ago, long before social media.
- I had to get my clients the old-fashioned way.
- Today, it’s a lot easier for hypnotherapists to market themselves and get clients.
- If I had to guess…
- A beginner hypnotherapist could make between $60,000 and $120,000 their first year.
- And you can make this much while being your own boss and having complete control over your schedule.
- In fact, that’s what I love most about being a hypnotherapist.
- It’s the family life that having my own practice has allowed me to build.
- I’ve dialed in my schedule so I only see clients three days out of the week.
- That means I’m able to spend as much time as I want with my wife Shelli and our daughter Sienna.
- My wife and I homeschool Sienna; I love being able to help out with that.
- We’ve built something special together.
- Here’s us on a recent spur-of-the-moment getaway to Tampa.
At the time, I was a sports producer for CNN. In my spare time, I was part of an improv comedy troupe. And I was having a hard time with both because I was dealing with performance anxiety. On top of that, I had a bad case of social anxiety that was preventing me from having a normal social life. The funny thing is, I didn’t realize it was anxiety at the time. I thought I was just way too nervous. It wasn’t until my first hypnosis session that I realized just how bad my anxiety was and how limited I was because of it. And it wasn’t until my hypnotherapist eliminated my anxiety that I experienced how much better life could be. After that I was hooked. I got certified as a hypnotherapist in May 2003 and took my first client soon after. Over the next 20 years, I helped more than 3,500 people solve all sorts of problems and live better lives.
- They quit smoking.
- They lost weight.
- They overcame depression and anxiety.
- They got over fears and phobias.
- They found love and romance.
- They ended generational trauma…
Did you know that people who undergo hypnotherapy enjoy an average recovery rate of 93% after 6 sessions?
- This is my own data since I have a large enough sample size after working with more than 3,500 clients and facilitating over 15,000 sessions.
- And did you know that people who undergo psychoanalysis only experience an average recovery rate of 38% after 600 sessions (source: American Health magazine, vol 7.)
- I have clients that come to me after doing years of therapy – some for over 20 years – who still haven’t gotten better.
- And based on my experience with these people the only thing therapy does is teach them the name of their problem.
- They know that they’re codependent, or that they have ADHD, or whatever their problem is…
But they have no idea how to fix it.
They know how badly screwed up they are, why they’re screwed up and how long they’ve been screwed up, but they’re no better off than when they started.
People want their problems solved NOW.
They don’t want to talk about stuff for a year or five years or 10 years and see no progress.
And here’s the thing…
Humans are biofeedback Machines and what we think about influences how we feel. Imagine yourself talking about the worst things that happened to you week after week for years, with no end in sight.
How would that make you feel?
- Now imagine feeling better right away.
- When you work with a well-trained hypnotherapist you’ll leave your first session feeling lighter, happier and more confident.
- In fact, I’ve had clients tell me two sessions of hypnotherapy did more for them than 20 years of talk therapy.
- So, the speed at which clients get results is faster and because of this they need far fewer sessions.
- Most importantly, the results are permanent.
- And it’s all because hypnotherapy approaches things in the opposite way that traditional therapy does.
- We don’t focus on what went wrong, we focus on helping a person get what they want or be the person they want to be.
- And we don’t need to understand everything about a person’s past or identify what went wrong to help them.
It takes most people 8-12 years to become a psychologist or psychotherapist. 4-5 years for an undergraduate degree and another 4-7 years for a doctorate. In addition to that, they’ll need to complete a year-long postdoctoral training period before they get licensed to practice in their state. That’s 12 years before they see their first paying client.
- Program runs from April to July 2023
In-person only; can’t attend from home - Group hypnosis to accelerate knowledge retention and skill development
Training will take place over 4 weekends - Supervised client work for 3 months after training
12 Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Lessons Starting May 2023
1. Day One: Introduction to Hypnosis
You’ll gain a comprehensive overview of the psychology of hypnosis.
The day will start with an overview of modern hypnosis, followed by an exploration of trance induction, deepening, pacing and leading, and other key features associated with hypnosis and how to identify them. After a break, you’ll practice mirroring, rapport building, and delivering hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions. You’ll also learn how to use visualization effectively. To finish the afternoon, each student will be able to practice inducing trance and to practice their pacing, toning, and volume.
2. Day Two: Beliefs of the Hypnotherapist + Understanding the Mind
We’ll go over the Rules of the Mind and the contrast between the conscious and subconscious.
You’ll learn how to think in a way that engages your five senses; you’ll also take part in an exercise in which you tell a story to a partner and discuss the internal representation of the listener. You’ll be introduced to some of the beliefs of the hypnotherapist, including the understanding that clients possess resources to solve their own problems and that limitations are imagined. We’ll also dive deeper into the practice of hypnotherapy with a discussion on the Negativity Bias and Thinking on Purpose. Through this, you’ll understand how to make better decisions when thinking clearly and calmly. You’ll also gain an understanding of the Ericksonian approach and the importance of reframing and using experiences as resources. As a demonstration, the class will do an exercise to access resources and use them to solve current problems. Finally, the icing on the cake is a group hypnosis session to reinforce the day’s lessons.
3. Day Three: The Sean Wheeler Method
On day three, I’ll be teaching you the “Sean Wheeler Method.
4. Day Four: Creating a Successful Client Experience + Anxiety & Stress
On day four, I’ll be giving you the skills to create a successful client experience.
5. Day Five: Key Concepts
On day five, you’ll learn how to release guilt, control, overwhelm, and unlock the power within yourself to make positive change.
You’ll gain insight on how to stay present and take it one step at a time. We’ll walk through an interactive demo and exercises to further your understanding in hypnotherapy. You’ll learn tips for tackling procrastination and understand ways to use forgiveness, acceptance, and risk-taking to your advantage. We’ll also dive into pessimism versus optimism and understand the power of positive thinking. There’ll be an opportunity to change personal history and regress and heal the younger version of yourself. We’ll explore Richard Bandler’s Marshall tapes to further your understanding of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). And we’ll end the day with group hypnosis to reinforce what you learned.
6. Day Six: Smoking & Weight Loss
We’re going to learn how to help your clients quit smoking and lose weight with hypnosis.
I’m going to start off by telling you the story of how I helped Jenn Hobby quit smoking and how you can get the same results with anyone, no matter how long they’ve been smoking and how many packs they smoke every day. We’re then going to move on to weight loss. We’ll explore how hypnosis can help them make better choices, how to control hunger and fullness, how to implement activity and exercise, and how to stop emotional eating. By the end of the day, you will have plenty of strategies and techniques to help your clients quit smoking and lose weight. And the most important learning of the day will be congruence. That is, your belief in yourself that it’s going to work. Then we’ll finish up with some Q&A and more group hypnosis.
7. Day 7: Fears, Phobias & Compulsions
You’ll learn the internal structure of fear/phobias and how they are in the mind, not the environment.
Through case studies and examples, you’ll explore the fear of flying, public speaking, success/failure, heights, insects, abandonment, and judgment. You’ll use the techniques we’ve learned up to this point – like swish, change image, positive self-visualization, anchoring/resource and direct/indirect suggestion – to help your clients overcome their fears and phobias. You’ll learn the structure of a hypnotherapy program for these issues and practice demos with students. You’ll then turn your attention to compulsions, discovering the benefit and relief they bring, and how you can use control to break a compulsion. We’ll cover trich, nail biting, skin picking, binge eating, sweets/food/soda, and alcohol and how to address underlying anxiety. By the end of the day, you’ll understand how to help your clients overcome their fears and phobias, as well as break compulsive behaviors.
And we’ll do more group hypnosis to develop your skills faster.
8. Day 8: Dating, Relationships, Heartbreak, Divorce, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse
I’ll share my own story to demonstrate how hypnotherapy can be used to heal from heartbreak.
We’ll go over relationships and the survival brain, and the psychological mechanisms that are activated when a relationship ends. You will learn techniques and tools to help clients cope with heartbreak, including breaking the thought loop, acceptance, anger, forgiveness of self and partner, positive outlook in the future, and identifying patterns from past relationships. We will discuss underlying issues like childhood trauma, sexual abuse/rape trauma, guilt, shame and regret, and the importance of maintaining self-worth. We will also discuss divorce, the metamodel of problems in marriage, and how to provide clients with calm and clarity to handle the situation well and make sound decisions. For clients looking to date, you will learn strategies for authenticity, doing what you love, making relationships a priority, and building self-confidence so that you don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Finally, we will discuss trauma and PTSD, and the neural connection between visuals and emotional response. You will also learn how to use hypnotherapy to treat triggers, phobias, and memories of abuse. We will end the day with a demonstration of one of the topics discussed and a group hypnosis session.
9. Day 9: Motivation & Self-Confidence – Personal & Professional; Life Imbalance
You will spend the day learning how to help your clients achieve greater motivation, self-confidence and balance in their lives.
Through visual and auditory structures, you’ll learn how to identify and address the underlying issues that keep your clients from reaching their goals. You will also learn how to access positive memories, change focus to overcome negativity bias and to create “new” useful memories. You’ll understand how to help your clients prioritize their lives, how to identify and address the motivations behind their choices and how to help them manage the stress and overwhelm that often comes with life imbalance. Through stories and examples, you’ll apply the concepts of motivation, self-confidence and life balance to your own life, and how to use these skills to become a better hypnotherapist. The day will also be filled with exercises to help you practice what you are learning. You’ll get the chance to work with a partner, creating sessions that focus on motivation, self-confidence and life balance. At the end of the day, you’ll also have a greater appreciation for the importance of living a balanced life and how this can help you become a better therapist. Finally, you’ll internalize that you don’t have to be perfect as a person or a therapist and that mistakes are a part of the learning process. You’ll leave the day feeling more confident and motivated to reach your goals and help your clients do the same. I’ll make sure of it by hypnotizing the entire group.
10. Day 10: Turning Your Hypnotherapy Skills Into a 6-Figure Business
I’ve dedicated an entire day to developing key business skills you’ll need to run a successful hypnotherapy practice.
We’ll start off the day learning how to market and price your hypnosis services. I’ll show you how to create a professional online presence (as opposed to a more new age style.). You’ll learn the importance of content on your website, how to increase your visibility on search engines like Google using SEO, and how to grow your email list. We’ll talk about marketing using everything from business cards, networking groups to the latest social media. You’ll have the chance to hear my own stories of creating my own luck by being prepared and jumping on opportunities. I’ll also give you strategies on how to professionally handle media and promote future appearances. Next, we will cover everything you need to know about client contact. I’ll show you how to build sales systems to qualify leads, book consultations with prospects, and enroll them if they’re a good fit. We’ll go over how to run your consultations so you can reliably turn prospects into clients. I’ll show you how to structure your programs for different client problems, set your rates, and sell your clients the package that’s best for them. We’ll also discuss operational activities like collecting payment, scheduling, and cancellation policies, and hiring assistants to handle non-client work when the time comes. Remember, I’m giving you a business-in-a-box. We’ll end the training portion of the program with Q&A and a final group hypnosis session, which will be recorded.
If you’ve read this far that means you’re interested and I’m sure you’re wondering…
“How much do I need to invest to get certified and start my own practice?”
Let me summarize what you’re getting:
For all of the above…
You’ll make a one-time investment of $7000
Payment plans available; book a call to find out more
And if you want to enroll in the program, here’s what you need to do:
- Tap the button below and book a consultation with me (Sean Wheeler)
- During the call you’ll get to ask me any questions you have about the program; I’ll also be assessing whether or not you’re a good fit since there are only 25 seats open for this cohort
- If we both agree that the Certification Program is perfect for you, you’ll reserve your spot by putting down a deposit on your enrollment fee
- You’ll pay the remainder of your enrollment fee before the program begins in April 2023
After you’ve reserved your spot, we’ll send you more details like the venue and exact dates during the second or third week of March
If you’re the type of “apprentice” I’m looking for and a perfect fit for this program, you won’t be satisfied waiting until April to start training.
That’s why I’m offering you several exclusive bonuses when you confirm your spot.
Here’s what you’re getting:
Every one of my students from the inaugural round of our training program said they felt 100% comfortable hypnotizing anyone at the completion of their training.
Most of my students felt competent within the first couple of days!